communication ideas
It is an entertainment for continuing to polish regional product ideas, utilizing communication ideas, and continuously upgrading regional brand creation. It's a culture that allows us to recognize each other's strengths.
share market
It is a co-creative share market that enhances the appeal of individual shops working together as an initiative to interact with each other with autonomy in the region. Aiming for a place where natural people gather, I would like to further expand the theme of co-creation.

dig deep into the local
Encountering a niche
It is a culture that delves into the unique local culture with everyone, shares that there was such a personality, and makes you like your city more.

ad lib university
It is a sustainable community university connected by a factory where you can learn. Based on work skill sharing, co-creation x co-workation is bringing liveliness as a place for a work-style and play-style community.